I live in New Zealand at latitude 41 degrees south. This allows me to photograph all of the spectacular objects visible in southern hemisphere skies. Objects such as the Large & Small Magellanic Clouds, Eta Carina nebula and globular cluster Omega Centauri to name a few.
Many people are familiar with the brighter well known constellations of the Zodiac, there are of course many more to seen in night sky. You may notice some of the images appear upside down but this how I see them from the southern hemisphere.
On southern hemisphere winter nights the milky way is a truly spectacular sight. From my location it stretches horizon to horizon, the dense starry area of Scorpius and Sagittarius passing directly overhead. I never tire of taking pictures of this part of the sky.
The Moon is seen by everyone and can be a beautiful sight as it rises or sets in sky. It can light the landscape in an eerie light and sometimes glow orange during a lunar eclipse. It's changing phases mark the passage of time.
Comets and asteroids are always in the night sky however they are usually very faint objects. Occasionally we are lucky and they become bright enough to see with the unaided eye or binoculars, here are some I've managed to photograph.
You may have heard of the northern lights or aurora borealis but there are also the southern lights called aurora australis. From my location at 41 degrees south I can observe and photograph some of the auroral activity.
There many types of atmospheric effects that can be observed and photographed. Rainbows, sun dog, lunar rainbows, sunsets, clouds and weather in general. Here are some of the more interesting ones I've captured.
For millennia people have gazed in awe at Stonehenge and other great stone circles, often totally unaware of how these structures were used. Now a full-scale working adaptation of Stonehenge has been built in Aotearoa (New Zealand)
Star Trails can be considered the starting point for beginner astrophotographers. They can be quite simple but produce beautiful results showing the earth really is spinning.
I decided to build my own small observatory to house my telescope and camera equipment. This means I can just roll off the roof and get going. This is a record of the construction process which maybe helpful if you are considering building one yourself.